Audubon Veterinary Hospital has separate areas for sterile and non-sterile surgical procedures. Our sterile suite provides a surgical environment for open abdominal soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries. It is equipped with gas anesthesia machines, fluid administration equipment, cardiac and respiratory monitoring equipment, and a heated surgical table.
Not every surgical procedure belongs in a sterile room. We have a treatment area with a treatment sink designed for these cases. Severely infected and draining lesions, wounds with maggots, and dental procedures are performed on our wet table in our treatment area. We have portable gas anesthesia machines, cardiac and respiratory monitoring equipment and fluid administration pumps that can be rolled into the treatment area as needed.
What We Offer
We use the latest in anesthetic and pain management protocols for our patients. Most importantly, though, in addition to all the electronic anesthetic monitoring equipment we utilize, one of our human technicians is also assigned to manually monitor each patient throughout their procedure from pre-sedation through full recovery. We believe as in all aspects or our practice, that nothing is as reliable as the human touch.
Call to schedule your pet’s appointment today!